Installing the Pond liner
The liner we chose to use was Greenseal liner, heavy duty premium liner but a bit cheaper than Butyl a perfect choice for most ponds. The first set was to create some shelving to allow for plants, these were made using builders sand, the bottom of both ponds were then also covered in sand to help reduce the chances of tears in the liner from protruding tree roots or flints of which this soil had many. A high quality underlay was then laid and sealed with the pond liner going on top.
The pond was filled slowly and folds were removed by hand.
Installing the pond connector
While the ponds were filling it was time to install the three inch pipe which would link the two ponds together. The customer wanted the ponds to be linked to ensure the water level remained the same for both ponds. The link also meant we could run a pipe through to aid with filtration in the smaller pond. The pipe was fitted with a flange on each end which was fastened and sealed to the pond liner before a hole was then cut to allow water to pass into the pipe and through both ponds. The pipe glue and sealent was left to dry for 12 hours and then the remainder of the pond was filled and left a further 12 hours to ensure the liner had completely settled.